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YOUR Patient Advocate
Millions of Americans struggle to address their healthcare needs. They are overwhelmed getting their doctor, hospital or insurer to talk to them in language they understand – and then try to get them to talk to each other. Those obstacles often means unnecessary trips to doctors' offices and hospitals for exams and tests that waste money. And when the bills arrive, who can understand or afford them?
Insurance companies, hospitals and doctors have departments that represent their interests. What about patients? That's CareRELATE's mission.
How We Can Help
CareRELATE provides the following services for its clients and their families:
Billing Inquiries/Consultation. If you get a bill you don't understand, CareRELATE will help understand it for you. If you can't afford to pay your bill or you just think it's too high, there are often options available to reduce the charge or even eliminate it entirely. We can even negotiate your costs in advance of receiving care.
Care Coordination. CareRELATE reviews your course of treatment. We facilitate communication among your doctors, therapists and other providers when needed. The goal is to ensure everyone is on the same page regarding your care.
Provider Visits/Consultation. CareRELATE can accompany you on your medical visits to improve communications between you and your providers. If you have more questions after you've left, we're happy to get back in touch with your doctor, nurse, pharmacist or therapist.
Seeking A Course Of Care. Finding the right treatment path after a serious medical diagnosis can be one of the most challenging things you or your loved ones will ever face. We will help you research and sort through your various options, seek second opinions and marshal all the information you need to make an informed decision about your course of care.